Support Worker Tax Clinic

Presented by the University of Tasmania, this webinar assists support workers with tax matters.

Working with CALD People

Community and healthcare workers share their experiences, hints and tips when working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Working with CALD Children

Jennifer Dawson, from InTouch, and Allen Jeffress, from Bright Futures, talk about the impact of family violence on CALD children.

Communication: CALD People

Community and healthcare workers share their experiences, hints and tips when communicating with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

What Is Person Centred?

Lynda Kahn and Jack Pearpoint talk about being person centred. What does it mean to be person centred? What are the core values, principles and beliefs? How do we practice being person centred?

Providing Person Centred Support

Tan Clover from Helen Sanderson Associates talks about using person centred thinking and person centred thinking tools to work alongside people to co-produce outcomes that have meaning for the person.

Person Centred Framework

Hanna Potapczyk guides us through a person-centred framework to assist people with the transition to individualised funding and support.

Inclusion and the Revolution

Jennie Fenton and Kelly Norton present at TEDx on inclusion, belonging, and the disability revolution; believing in possibility.

The Complexity of Choice

Connie Lyle-O’Brien and John O’Brien reflect on the complexity of choice, what it means and how we facilitate choice for the people we support.

5 Valued Experiences

Connie Lyle-O’Brien and John O’Brien talk about the Five Valued Experiences and the Five Accomplishments in the context of what makes a good life.

Inclusion in the Workplace

“All means all” when we are talking about inclusion. A brief overview of inclusion in the workplace.

Sustainable Community Development

Cormac Russel speaks at TEDx about how can we help people to live a good life, in the context of discovering the strengths and gifts that enrich the lives of people.

The Three Secrets of Resilient People

Dr. Lacy Horn speaks at TEDx about her three strategies to resilience, learned through reflecting on her own unimaginable tragedy.

support for support workers