NDIS Participant Service Charter and Service Improvement Plan
The NDIS explains the Participant Service Charter and Service Improvement Plan, how they came about, and why.
NDIS Participant Service Charter and Improvement Plan (Auslan)
The NDIS explains the Participant Service Charter and Service Improvement Plan, how they came about, and why.
What is Support Coordination?
The NDIS explains what Support Coordination funding is, who is eligible, and the role of the Support Coordinator.
What is a Local Area Coordinator?
The NDIS explains what a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) is, and the role of a LAC.
COVID-19 Update (Auslan)
This is an Auslan only update on CIVID-19 provided by Expressions Australia.
The CEO of the NDIA, Martin Hoffiman answers common COVID-19 questions with Every Australian Counts.
Every Australian Counts Q&A
An Every Australian Counts online gathering talking about NDIS meetings, service delivery and supports during COVID-19.
What is the NDIS
A brief introduction explaining what the NDIS is about and why we need it.
What is the NDIS Commission
Graeme Head speaks about the NDIS Commission and its function.
NDIS Registration and Regulation
Samantha Taylor talks about the role of the Commission in regulating providers in the market.
Worker Orientation Module
The Worker Orientation Module is mandatory training for all support workers around understanding the NDIS, the role of the Commission, and the Code of Conduct.
Advocacy Sector Conversations
A webinar hosted by the Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU), taking about disability rights and sector responsibilities.
Complaints and the Commission
Miranda Bruyniks speaks about the function of the Commission in managing and resolving complaints.
NDIS and Psychosocial Disability
Deborah Roberts and Mark Rosser talk about the NDIS in the context of supporting people with psychosocial disability.
NDIS Hostels Approach to Psychosocial Disability
Denise Hughes, NDIA Psychiatric Hostels Project Manager, talks about taking a different approach to psychosocial disability.
Consumer Law and Rights
Understanding consumer law and rights when buying and selling disability services and products.
Consumer Law and Rights
Understanding consumer law and rights, from the perspective of participants of the NDIS.